Friday, November 11, 2011


At the beginning of this semester I was a reader who didn’t enjoy reading or have time to read. My interest towards reading wasn’t the strongest as I thought reading assigned by everyday classes was enough. I preferred not to read unless it was assigned or I absolutely had to read. Over the summers when I had more available time I enjoyed readying anything that was a mystery, it kept me interested and it wasn’t hard to stay focused.
                In elementary school I wasn’t very interested in reading as my mom pushed me to read it was not something I enjoyed doing. When I entered Middle School my mom often tried to emphasize the importance of reading as it would benefit me in my further career. With no hope left and as a last try, my mother introduced me to the Twilight Series in my seventh grade year.  I began reading every day of the summer anywhere on car rides, while on the tree house, and even trying to finish the last chapter after my mom had told me to sleep several times.
                Entering high school I noted the importance of outside reading which emphasized my everyday knowledge and reading speed for academic work. Starting my freshman year I encountered many mystery books that I liked and continued reading.  Sometimes reading can still be a struggle for me or even just making time for reading. Often times when I am not interested in the topic I struggle to focus, consequently I have to read the passage over and over again. Reading has become a strong interest for me and I have learned to find time to read and not use time as an excuse.

Coming to an End

Finishing The Dark Fields this week I realized various things about the character Eddie. When he goes through different situations, Eddie reacted in such ways that shocked me. Under situations of stress and blackouts Eddie begins to go to the extremes to pursue his dreams..
Eddie eventually begins running out of the drug, although he has sent form more to be made by a scientist. One late night Eddie stayed up working on stocks as he had come to a good point in life landing on any job he had preferred. As he prospers further he begins to urge more and more in his life. Finally, when everything is right the plan is in action, Eddie runs out of the drug to supply his life. He begins having blackouts, violent outbreaks, and in the end he is left at the verge to find whats best for him and how he will prosper.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Beyond impossible

This week I picked back up on the book ,The Dark Fields, By Alan Glynn. In the first few chapters Eddie Spinoal a complete loser who loses his girlfriend and can't seem to get his book written right decideds to bring his life back together. Eddie runs into an old friend, Vernon, who is rather successful and a "big guy in a suit."
Vernon listens to Eddie's story and decided he may be some help. Imagine a drug that made your brain fuction with perfect efficiency, tapping into your deepest resources of creativity and drive, realeasing all the passavie knowledge you'd ever collected.
Imagine a drug that made you so charmning that you could land any job you wanted. These are the lines Vernon recites to Eddie appealing to his emotions. Eddie at first refuses and then he thinks about it while returning back to his apartment. At first he dicides no but when he comes into trouble with the apartment owner he thinks why not? He takes the drugs and now we will see the effects of the drugs throughout the book!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Pages- 250

“See, unlike the rest of the free world, I didn’t get here by accident. And if your parents have you for a reason then that reason better exist. Because once it’s gone, so are you.”
While reading My Sisters Keeper this passage touched me the most becasue such a young child understand so much and it really effected my emotions. Anna is explaining how she came about and entered this world, how she wasent an accident but how her parents had planned her birth. She explains how she is different because her parents had planned for her to come to this world to save her sister and how she is different. This really effected me because Anna is such a young teen and for her to understand so much could effect her teen years.

Mothers emotions or Moral acceptance?

After reading on this week I wanted to analyze one of the main charecters of the story Sara. In My Sisters Keeper Sara plays the role of a mother to her two daughters Kate and Anna. She struggles in being a mother as she does not know what to do when one of her daughters lives is at danger and the other has no real life. Sara, a mother, has internal conflict in this book whether to support her daughter who does not have much time left to live, or love the daughter who she has forgten since the day she entered this world.
In todays socitey people are very judgmental and there are certain ideas that are morally correct verses not accepted in society. After reading and analyzing Sara's charecter I came to realize what Sara was doing to her younger daughter was morally correct. This just comes to show how far a parent can go to save, love, and protect their child. Sara is a great example of a mother who can go to any extent to save her daughter Kate, as far as making a young teen girl go through various operations to save the life of her sister, as far as making a young teen miss out on a childhood, as far as forgetting to love your child. So whats more important the emotions of a mother or moral acceptance of society?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Morally Correct?

This week continuing in My sisters Keeper I noticed some new themes that poped out to me on the page. Like most teenagers Anna is begining to question who she really is or who she realy is supposed to be. She begins thinking and she believes that she has always been defined in terms of her sister. At this age she begins to rebell and makes such a choice that rips her famiy apart and maybe even fatal consequenses for the sister she loves. In this part fo the book the author is examining what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, and a good person. As Anna a young teen rebels against her parents and decides to start a law case with her own parents her older sister is living her last moments in the vision of her family arguing.
While reading various questions came to mind is it right as a parent to push a child to such an extent just to save another child? Then again I thought of myself in the parents position and thought is it okay for a teen to try to discover themselves even if it destroys your family. The idea of using a child to save anothers over and over came to seem moraly incorrect to me as the child is not sure of what they are doing yet under times of stress what is morally correct?