Friday, November 4, 2011

Mothers emotions or Moral acceptance?

After reading on this week I wanted to analyze one of the main charecters of the story Sara. In My Sisters Keeper Sara plays the role of a mother to her two daughters Kate and Anna. She struggles in being a mother as she does not know what to do when one of her daughters lives is at danger and the other has no real life. Sara, a mother, has internal conflict in this book whether to support her daughter who does not have much time left to live, or love the daughter who she has forgten since the day she entered this world.
In todays socitey people are very judgmental and there are certain ideas that are morally correct verses not accepted in society. After reading and analyzing Sara's charecter I came to realize what Sara was doing to her younger daughter was morally correct. This just comes to show how far a parent can go to save, love, and protect their child. Sara is a great example of a mother who can go to any extent to save her daughter Kate, as far as making a young teen girl go through various operations to save the life of her sister, as far as making a young teen miss out on a childhood, as far as forgetting to love your child. So whats more important the emotions of a mother or moral acceptance of society?

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