Monday, November 7, 2011

Beyond impossible

This week I picked back up on the book ,The Dark Fields, By Alan Glynn. In the first few chapters Eddie Spinoal a complete loser who loses his girlfriend and can't seem to get his book written right decideds to bring his life back together. Eddie runs into an old friend, Vernon, who is rather successful and a "big guy in a suit."
Vernon listens to Eddie's story and decided he may be some help. Imagine a drug that made your brain fuction with perfect efficiency, tapping into your deepest resources of creativity and drive, realeasing all the passavie knowledge you'd ever collected.
Imagine a drug that made you so charmning that you could land any job you wanted. These are the lines Vernon recites to Eddie appealing to his emotions. Eddie at first refuses and then he thinks about it while returning back to his apartment. At first he dicides no but when he comes into trouble with the apartment owner he thinks why not? He takes the drugs and now we will see the effects of the drugs throughout the book!

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