Friday, September 9, 2011

Gossip Queen Mrs. Bennet

After watching the Hindi movie Pride and Prejudice numerous times I finally decided to read the English version of Pride and Prejudice. While reading I have found many difference within the Hindi movie of Pride and Prejudice in comparison of the book.
The books starts off with the news spreading through the town of Loungbourn of a young wealthy named ,Charles Bingly's, visit to Loungbourn. In Loungbourn many families act very unreasonable in reaction to this new these families including the Bennet family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are the parents to their five unmarried daughters. Mrs. Bennet, is a women who often times acts foolish, over-energized, as well as a towns gossip lady. When the news arrived at the Bennet household of Mr. Bingly, Mrs. Bennet was already arranging marriage details for her daughters. Mrs. Bennet insists on seeing Mr. Bennet to meet the star of town, Charles Bingly.
After meeting with Mr. Bingly the Bennet family invites the prince to their house for dinner yet he does not attend due to his return to London. Weeks later Charles Bingly had returned to the town along with his two sisters, brother-in-law as well as his best friend, Darcy. Not much time after return the Charles Bingly and his company attend a ball in a nearby town. Coincidentally the Bennet daughters also reach the ball along with Mrs. Bennet.
At the ball Mr. Bingly dance with Jane Bennet, the eldest of the Bennet daughters. Bingly declares that Jane is the most beautiful creature he has met. As Mr. Bingly advises Darcy to dance with Elizabeth he refuses because he prefers not to dance with women who are slighted by other men. Darcy's comments discourage Elizabeth and sends a message about Darcy to other town members. In the end the Bennet ladies return home and Jane celebrates her dance with Mr. Bennet by informing her family, of course Mrs. Bennet was content!

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