Friday, October 21, 2011


Pages- 109

1.) In Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road, the straightforward descriptions of the stripped wilderness give the text a minimalistic feel and forcing attention to the rare dialogue between the father and son.
2.) To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, uses the coarsely sophisticated literal language which accurately conveys the dialect of the narrator.
3.)Even more casually written is Jack Kerouac's On The Road, which incorporates a stream of consciousness that mirrors the complex workings of the narrators mind using words that are far less complicated.
I liked all three of these sentences from different passages for many reasons. For example, in each of these passages the writers incorporated strong adjectives used to appeal to the senses.While reading these sentences I felt as if I was familiar with the story lines but in essence I've never read these books. The diction and adjectives immediately caught my attention making these sentences stick out to me!

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