Friday, October 21, 2011

Life Remains but the Extremes Come to an End

Finally finishing the book Surving The Extremes this week I came to realzie many things about various charecters and family conditions. In these chapters Dr. Kamler goes through various enviroments to treat patients who are survivng in hazerdous condtions.
In each chapter Kamler highlights the behavior of patients in different conditions. These behavior changes may include drinking human urine in the dessert, using mud to fix blooded wounds, eating animals to keep meat on the body. In all of these conditions that Dr. Kamler joins he learns various different things that he would have never learned in the normal hospital setting.
The book was overall enjoyable because the reader gets involved in dramatic medical condtitions that are not only intense but real life stories. In addition, the diction used appeals to the readers emotions and senses. When the patients where feeling extreme pains or undergoing dangerous conditions I could almost feel the pain the reader was trying to emphasize. Often times throughout the book patients were emotionally in trouble or influnced by a loss. When travlers were put at emotional danger the diction effected my emotions and I felt almost as if I had experienced a loss. Overall, reading this book gave me medical knowledge of how the body reacts in different extreme conditions and to what extent the human body can go to experince life.

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