Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

In this excerpt from Little Altars Everywhere, the author ,Rebbeca Wells, uses modestly harsh diction that is straight forward.The literal diction can portray a somewhat bitter and cinical atmosphere to the reader. The author describes the Girl Scouts outfits, " They bring out my worst features---fat arms and short legs. Mama tries her best to give that drab green get-up some style, but I just get sent home with a note because the glitzy pieces of costume jewelry she pins on me are against regulations."
Contrasting the opening of The Guns of August , Tuchman portrays a sophistacated view of regality that harmoniously prescribes a session of kings. The precise diction glorifies the seasoned May morning of 1910. The author further distinguishes the morning, "So gorgeous was the spectacle on the May morning of 1910 when nine kings rode in the funeral of Edward V11 of England that the crowd, waiting in hushed and black-clad awe, could not keep back gasps of admiration." Simlarley, in the passage from Eragon, Paolini uses vulgar diction to portray a meldious tune. The author describes the morning sun rise, " The sun rose the next morning with a glorious conflagration of pink and yellow. The air was fresh, sweet, and very cold." Many others choose different styles of writing making the writing comparable on different levels.

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