Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Enviroment's nature of attitude

While reading over the past few chapters of Surviving the extremes I have found many things that draw to my senses but while reading through each of the chapters. While reading the attitude of a doctor in a new nature who is treating patients at the limits of human endurance stuck out to me the most. Throughout each chapter the doctor is taken to a new extreme area on a team project and required to live in unsanitary conditions to treat these patients and ensure their well being.
A New York City doctor who has much money is spending his life helping other people in unsanitary conditions when he could be living in a mansion. In addition to this, he learns to adapt to the new environments and the peoples way of life. In each different chapter the Dr. has a very positive attitude towards helping others and understanding their lifestyle.
Not only does Dr. try to adapt to new environments but he finds alternatives in these environments to help the people make this trip as successful as possible without medical endurance becoming a problem. Each new chapter is a little of a struggle for him at first but he learns about the new environments and receives a great experience while also helping others and also receiving knowledge that can be applied at the hospital at home.

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